We want to make certain you get all the tax credits and deductions you can.
To help us, please review the following checklist to make certain you have all the information and slips you need.
Receipts and Information Slips
- CRA notice of assessment from the previous year
- information slips (T4, T3, T4A, T4AP, T4OAS, T4RSP, T4E, T5, TL2 etc)
- receipt for unions and professional dues (if not already on T4)
- all RRSP receipts
- medical receipts
- tuition and education receipts (T2202A)
- charitable donation receipts
- political contributions
- employment income
- pension benefits, including OAS and CPP
- employment insurance benefits
- social assistance and WCB benefits
- interest and dividends
- sale of stocks, bonds or real estate
- spousal or child support received
- RRSP income or withdrawals
- rental income
- miscellaneous income
Deductions and Credits
- RRSP and RPP contributions
- child care expenses
- union or professional dues
- moving expenses
- spousal or child support paid
- carrying charges and interest expense
- GST/HST credit and/or rebate
- age credit or pension credit
- disability credit
- tuition fees and education credit
- transfer of unused spousal or dependent credits
- medical expenses, charitable donations, political contributions
- stock option or shares deductions
- employment expenses
- automobile expenses
- in home office expenses